"Even if the world collapses, justice should be made!"
Natarius Dmitry Mihailovich
a member of Association of lawyers of Russia
Phone: +7 (927) 206-91-20

Hello! I have honour to welcome you on my page on the Internet!
I am a lawyer of Chamber of lawyers of the Samara region, a member of Association of lawyers of Russia.
Territory of rendering by me of lawyer services - all territory of the Russian Federation (Russia).
I have a degree of the BACHELOR of jurisprudence and the Certificate of the expert in anticrisis management of business.
I possess significant experience of the decision of questions of the enterprises arising at bankruptcies in territory of Russia, collecting of debts, settlement of contractual attitudes, representation and participation in negotiations in Russian in interests of the client, including court and arbitration.
I provide the qualified legal aid according to the legislation of Russia, I guarantee to the clients full confidentiality and compliance with lawyer secret.
I have honour to offer you my services of the lawyer in territory and under jurisdiction of the Russian Federation with use of the legislation of Russia.
As the qualified legal aid of the lawyer with a view of protection of the rights, freedom and interests of clients, providing of access to justice, maintenance on the basis of the lawyer agreement, in territory of the Russian Federation, legal support of business (including compliance, legal due diligence, legal opinion, reconciliatory procedures, legal intermediary in dispute, etc.) is.
If you or your firm - the creditor and the moment of payment of a debt which isn't less than 100 thousand roubles, have exceeded contractual, I offer you the help in collecting a debt with the statement of procedures of bankruptcy at completely my support of your interests in Russia. I help to present to arbitration court for appointment for the decision concerning your problem of the arbitration managing director, and completely to accompany bankruptcy procedures (service of legal support of procedures of bankruptcy as in interests of creditors, or the debtor or its owners). Now, bankruptcy in Russia - one of the most effective ways to demand an unpaid debt or the decision concerning other questions in business.
Providing a
legal aid, among other things, the lawyer:
1) gives consultation and the information on legal questions as in oral, and in writing;
2) makes applications, complaints, petitions and other documents of legal character;
3) represents interests of the client in the constitutional legal proceedings;
4) participates as the representative of the client in civil and administrative legal proceedings;
5) participates as the representative or the defender of the client in consideration of accusation about crimes and consideration of accusations on affairs about administrative legal infringements;
6) participates as the representative of the client in consideration of disputes in the arbitration court, the international commercial arbitration (court) and other organizations of the resolution of conflicts;
7) represents interests of the client in authorities of the country, municipal authorities, public associations and other organizations;
8) represents interests of the client in authorities of the country, courts and the law-enforcement organizations of foreign states, the international courts, not state organizations of foreign states if other is not established by laws of foreign states, authorized documents of the international courts and other international organizations or international agreements of the Russian Federation;
9) participates as the representative of the client in executive procedures, as well as at execution of punishment for crimes;
10) participates as the representative of the client in legal relations under taxes.
The lawyer has the right to carry out other legal aid which is not forbidden by the law of Russia.
My specialization of jurisprudence in Russia: Administrative Law, Bankruptcy Law, Business and Corporate Law, Constitutional Law, Consumer Protection, Creditors' Rights and Collections, Criminal Defense, Defense Litigation, Family Law, General Practice, Insurance Law, Labor and Employment Law, Property Law and Real Estate.
No territorial remoteness of the corporate client, seat of consideration of dispute or seat of settlement, exists for me an obstacle or the undesirable factor.
As I do not know foreign language in perfection, dialogue with foreign clients I build extremely at support of negotiations by the translator, or by written correspondence with simultaneous interpretation of texts by computer translation programs.
Sincerely I hope, that the given inconvenience will not appear important in view of high quality of my lawyer work.
Respectfully, lawyer Natarius Dmitry.